1983 shed the light on a new rm that achieved an instant groundbreaking milestone in the contemporary times of the KSA, as an omnipresent and multitasking organization fusing an array of unconventional elds under one roof: general trade, food industries and real estate investment.
What truly made a success story out of such a challenging combination of abundant and speci c elds, exceeding expectations, is the prioritizing of the International standards in business implementation and the weight given back then to the absolute role of HR for an optimum of efficiency.
In fact, it doesn’t come as a surprise, since more than 2000 top notch employees all over the KSA, relentlessly reaching hard and strategic goals were the evident fruit of 35 years of labor and research.

Having more than 35 years of experience, the manpower has reached high standards and the ability to achieve company goals. Its multicultural team consists of engineers, financials, nutrition specialists, technicians, chefs, specialized sales staff, as well as marketing & logistics professional.
Looking Forward:
Long term expansion plan has been set to add new business activities that can acquired &/or merged easily. The group is also arranging to expand horizontally by entering new territories and vertically by investing in new distinguished fields of food processing industry.